Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blue skies and organic lollipops

Yet another overdue post from me! Recently i have been doing lots and lots of homework. I have finished 3 classes; Theology, Macroeconomics, and Philosophy. I am still taking English, but i'm halfway through! Yippee! This week i am doing a juice fast or in other word a detox. Other than craving sugar, it is going well so far.

I am so thankful for the beautiful weather we have been having lately! The blue sky, green grass, warm sunshine. If only i had somewhere to lay down and let the sun kiss my face while i read a book, ahh that would be very nice indeed. But not here in apartments. Nope, i have a little wood deck, that bee's love, and everyone can see me. I am planning on a little patio garden though. I am going to plant tomatoes, lettuce, basil, parsley, and dandelion. Yup, im going to plant dandelions on purpose. Why? Only cause they are the most nutritious greens, and flowers that are free! Plus in the fall i can take the roots, dry them, and make a tea with them for a great detox tea (or alternative to coffee!). Amazing huh? I love how God gives us the "medicine" we need right in our backyards! About 90% of "weeds" and grass in a typical backyard are edible. I love how God provides for us.

Well i will leave you all with a smoothie recipe i just had this morning. It was awesome!

Strawberry banana Oatmeal smoothie
5 Strawberries
1 Banana
1/2 Cup Raw Organic Oatmeal
1/4 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds
1/4 Cup Almonds
1/2 Cup Rice milk or Almond milk
1/2 Teaspoon cinnamon
3 Ice cubes
Grind oatmeal, Chia seeds and almonds till ground in a fine meal. Add fruit, spices, and milk and ice. Blend till smooth. Enjoy this Yummy breakfast smoothie!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of healthiness

Wow! Things have changed a lot since i blogged last. Lets see... well i was married on July 2nd, the wedding was...successful ;) . I know live outside of Lynchburg, in Forest, Virginia . Shortly after we moved here there was a earthquake. Very exciting stuff. No one was hurt and no damage except for crooked pictures. I have a job at a health food store called Health Nut Nutrition. I love my job. I learn everyday new things, how herbs, fresh raw food, and whole grains can help cure diseases and sickness! We live in a small 1 bedroom (basically 2 bedroom cause we have a den/office) apartment. It's different for me because i have never lived in town, let alone in an apartment where i can hear our neighbors. I have learned to cook and bake lots of new things like beef, bagels, and bread. My husband and i attend a lot of local political meetings such as Ron Paul meetups, Tea Part meetings (i only went once) , and we watch debates on tv together. I have learned so much in the past 6 1/2 months! I am now in school doing classes online with Liberty University. I changed my major to business and am currently working on Macroeconomics and Philosophy , both of which are very difficult. They will go for 8 weeks then i start 2 different courses for another 8 weeks. We have been to Pennsylvania twice, North Carolina several times, and Tennessee. Well im off to go to the Library, make some bagels , and work on homework, for today is my day off of work. Until next time!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

oh my!

wow! 25 days until i get married! this is crazy! Every morning i wake up and think "wow im getting married to Josiah!" The days are going by so fast. I've been packing up my stuff and going to ship them out soon. It's very exciting, but kinda weird at the same time. Sometimes it's stressful with all the planning and work and packing, but i have been enjoying myself too. I've lost 10+ pounds, im eating well, and ive started swimming/jogging . More because i'd like to hike a mountain without dying after 10 minutes :-P God has blessed me immensely. I can't stop thanking Him enough for what He has done in my life, what He is going to do, and what He IS doing. And the best thing yet? I get to serve God the rest of my life! That's the exciting part!  

Saturday, April 2, 2011

along came a flower

Spring has come! Flowers are blooming, birds are singing , and i am working. Oh life ... yeah that thing. It has been splendid. Seeing Virginia and my future husband was great :) . We found an apartment for after we get married and we laughed a lot. I like laughing with Josiah. He can be a little goofy, but that's one of many many things i love about him. ha i know i'm being "mushy" as they would say. I'm not sure who "they" are though...hmmm.

Wedding plans... Oh yes that. Well , my mom and i got a photographer , our last BIG thing to book for the BIG day. SO happy to get stuff done. Invites are done just have to tie 300 ribbons on them. And now i'm working full time at the office on 10 million different things. Basically i'm a office assistant , and i manage the Hero's at work ( they are an amazing little ramp for small steps for homes) I really like my job. NEVER bored.

Tomorrow i have 2 bridal showers. Yes 2! Then one more next weekend. It's going to be fun seeing friends and family and visiting. One thing as of late that i have noticed is how happy i am. Amazing what being STRESS free does!! And i have an AWESOME God to thank for that. I have learned that i need to cast ALL my cares and worries and stress on Him. Not just a few things, but all. It has made a big difference in my life. Not only in my happiness/joy but also with my relationship with others, like family, friends, and fiancĂ© . So i challenge you this week, What are some things that you are holding back? Some worries, like financial or work worries? Stress from school or job ? Give it to God, let Him carry them and depend upon Him. He is there for you, standing there next to you the whole way. Never leaving your side. I know it's weird but when im in the car by myself , i look at the passenger seat next to me, and i feel like God is sitting there. That's when i have the best conversations with Him about my worries , in the car. And when i finally give it all to Him, i feel like He puts His arm around me and says "my child, you don't have to do this alone. I am here, trust Me, I will help you. I love you. " . I know i don't actually hear those words, but yet i do, deep inside me. It's something i can't really explain. So again i challenge you this week, give it to God, whatever is making you worry or stress or fret. Talk with Him about it. He cares deeply, and loves you. He wants to help you. He is always there for you no matter what. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

just keep planning....

So the wedding plans are coming along! Just need to find a photographer, and a whole bunch of other little things. It's been kinda crazy trying to plan a wedding, work, and decide on apartments from long distance. Let me just say this: long distance relationships are very hard. God has blessed Josiah and i so much though. He has taught me so much about who I am in Him, and He is working on me still! So if anyone looks at Josiah and I's relationship and says "wow how did you do it?" I can say "It was ALL God". I love giving God the glory in my life.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Life has been happening. This past weekend i went to Michigan and visited with my aunt and uncle, and their 4 awesome kids, and my grandparents. I also got to see some old friends, who ive known since 3rd grade! It was nice to get away and relax and have fun. And the snow was amazing, i felt like a little kid on Christmas with all the snow!! It reminded me of how God wipes our sins away as white as snow. Well off to bed now.. ZzZzZz

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coffee Filter flowers

I made these flowers out of coffee filters i dyed myself. All you need is :

Coffee Filters
3 cups
Acrylic paint or any water based paint
green tape, or masking tape
wire or straws

The instructions are at this site Click here for insturctions . This blog has so many great ideas and how-to's .

 Things you need to make the flowers.

I dyed them Pink!!

Below are "peony" coffee filter flowers

"Rose" Coffee filter flowers

I love how these turned out. They look so real, and are cheap to make, and fun also!! A great way to have fancy decorations, for the budget minded.